Founded in 1976 by award-winning director Lou Bellamy, Penumbra is a nationally recognized organization housing Minnesota’s only professional Black theater company. Penumbra has earned tremendous accolades, produced nearly 200 plays and more than 30 premieres, and cultivated generations of artists of color. Through their powerful art, Penumbra opens hearts, rehearses strategies for change and dispels dehumanizing narratives of people of color.
Today, under the leadership of Sarah Bellamy, Penumbra is evolving into its next life cycle as a performing arts campus and center for racial healing that nurtures Black artists, advances equity and facilitates wellness for individuals and community. As such, it has taken on a new name: Penumbra Center for Racial Healing.
Penumbra Center For Racial Healing
Brand Identity

The Assignment
The Penumbra Center for Racial Healing brand identity reimagining began with the necessary understanding of two large truths: First, the impressive history of Penumbra and its contributions to both the local Rondo community in which it resides, as well as its national contributions to the larger arts community, and second, that the step toward becoming Penumbra Center for Racial Healing required us to listen, empathize and honor the complexities of Black identity in the United States. Listening, learning and working with the wonderful people at Penumbra allowed for the identity to imbue a spirit of care, love and progression.

Voice & Tone
Penumbra is a familiar institution in the Black community and as such realizes tone of voice is incredibly important. The way they represent themselves and communicate to their audience, community and the world will always be through a voice that is authentic to who they are as a center for racial healing and to the spirit of the work.
The logotype is a mixture of traditionalism (West African pattern) and fluidity of the spirit (emotion and expression). Weaving the notions of past, present and future together, one can see that there is dance in how the letterforms relate to and work with one another — a visual metaphor that lives in the spirit of art, nature and healing.

Color & Pattern
The Penumbra brand uses colors to exude joy, healing and an optimistic spirit. Purple is the signature brand color, with red being secondary. The color palette is owned and used purposefully and with intention.
Alongside the color system, a series of patterns were created utilizing traditional African textile motifs. Re-imagined in the Penumbra color palette, a fresh take is given to these motifs, which can be applied to work to add a splash of color.